Beginner – Intermediate OTH Training Template
**Please talk with your Doctor before implementing any new training regimen**
How does a busy person train for a race like Over the Hump? Not everyone has the time to devote every day of the week to training for your next race. We put together a basic template for the beginner to intermediate that is a little strapped for time but still wants to go out and give it their best. If you can train three days a week then this is the template for you.
There are a few things to consider when laying out a training template for mountain bike racing.
Consider your core strength
You need to have a strong core to excel on the bike. All athletic activities require a strong core since all full body expressions of power are generated in the core. Also, did we mention that having a strong core helps prevent injury?
Its all in the legs
What do we want? More Watts! When do we want it? Yesterday! Building strong legs allows you to generate more watts. This allows you to output more power on climbs and straight aways leading to faster race times. To build raw power in the legs you need to engage in some old fashioned resistance training along with focusing on spending some time performing intervals on the bike.
You need full body stability
To maximize your ability to corner, move efficiently over rough terrain, and really throw down when it counts, you need to make sure your whole body is strong. While you do get some muscular activation while riding, you will get a lot of bang for your buck out of training the muscles that don’t get hit as hard on a ride.
Anaerobic Capacity is key
In a race you need to perform well at high heart rates and high output. You need to schedule time each week practicing speed drills, or intervals. When performed correctly, intervals (anaerobic efforts) will help you generate more power when it counts.
Bodyweight Matters
You don’t want to get too big and bulky for racing since it makes it harder to climb. Keep an eye on your weight as your strength increases. If you weight is going up on the scale you may need to pay a bit more attention to your diet or scale it back in the gym a bit.
Putting it all together: A general template
Building a sample week: for the offseason
On Season Training