2nd Annual ThinkASG MTB Club MJR Memorial Benefit Saturday June 18
Join the 2nd Annual ThinkASG MTB Club MJR Memorial Benefit Saturday June 18
Thanks to everyone who participated in making our first MJR benefit fundraiser a great success! We are looking forward to seeing you again this year on June 18th. For those that are new to this event, here is a little recap of the day we have planned.
On Saturday, June 18th we will represent thinkASG MTB Club’s 4 core values….the 4 P’s! We will PLAY by riding bikes together in memory of Mark Reynolds, PROMOTE the sport of mountain biking among our biking community, PAY IT FORWARD to a great cause with the MJR Memorial Bike Fund, and do this all with PURPOSE and thanks.
What is MJR Memorial Bike Fun? Please visit Mark Reynolds Fund to find more information.
This is a free event, although our purpose is to raise money for the MJR Memorial Bike Fund. We encourage everyone to donate and fundraise with your friends, co-workers, and others. There will be raffle tickets earned and great prizes available for your contributions. Donations can be made here:
What is the agenda?
When: Saturday, June 18, 2016
Where: Wahoo’s Fish Tacos, Foothill Ranch
9:00am Registration/Check in
9:45 – Welcome
10:00 – Ride! (Different routes based on experience level)
11:30 – Meet at Mark’s Bench
12:15 – Lunch/Raffle
Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
No, old enough to pedal or eat. We would enjoy your company
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
Wahoo’s is a very gracious host, plenty of parking.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
WHENSaturday, June 18, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (PDT) – Add to CalendarWHEREWahoo’s Fish Taco – 27412 Portola Parkway #A, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 – View Map