Racing Resumes Tomorrow as Air Quality is “Good”

We want you to know how current air conditions are so you can decide how racing will affect you, especially after last week’s cancellation due to concerns over air quality. Over the Hump Racing Resumes Tomorrow: Tuesday, August 14.
We are Racing Tomorrow
Today the EPA reports Air Quality Index in “Good” Range 38 out of 500 is in the Green “Good” range.
Details regarding today (Monday August 13 Air Quality)
Learn how we decide to race, based on the Air Quality Index HERE
3 weeks left BUT this week holds waterworks of excitement
Here’s what’s on tap tomorrow:
- Simple Green Night
- Ladies Night by Felt
- 6:00pm – E-Bike Race (Completely separate from main field, after kid’s race & before launch of main event)
- Cannondale Slip N’ Slide
- Temperatures at Race start 6:15 Forecast 79 with 50% less humidity than over the weekend.
It’s a good day!